The North-East of England welcomed more than 1500 athletes from 53 countries as the World Transplant Games took place in Newcastle-Gateshead this week.
Several countries took part in the Games for the first time, including Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Andorra, while there were large teams coming from the US, Canada and Australia and a big home contingent from the GB team.
Graham Wylie, chair of the World Transplant Games NewcastleGateshead 2019, said the event was “an amazing celebration of organ donation”.
“The athletes taking part in the Games are a true inspiration to everyone,” he added.
“Whether it’s taking part in the Gift of Life Run, cheering on athletes from the sidelines or providing a warm North-East welcome there are many ways in which people can get involved.
“Our aim is to make these the most visible World Transplant Games ever and we are encouraging everyone in the region to get involved in any way they can.”
To find out more about, visit the Transplant Sport page on the ConnectSport directory. To add your organisation, contact [email protected].