Active Derbyshire
50,000 more people active by 2021

Active Derbyshire is a County Sports Partnership (CSP) committed to increasing numbers regularly taking part in physical activity and sport, with the vision of engaging 50,000 more people in active lives by 2021.

The organisation provides the strategic lead on sport and recreation across the county, working collaboratively alongside a range of partners, using its strategic plan Towards an Active Derbyshire 2016-2021.

Among the priorities identified are to help the inactive to become active, ensuring that people are supported and encouraged to engage in sport, helping to keep people engaged in physical activity and sport throughout their lives and addressing the inequalities, with a focus on women and girls, people from lower socio-economic groups and young people aged 5 to 18.

Active Derbyshire is part of Active Partners Trust, which also supports the work of sister CSP, Active Notts.

Unit 23, Coney Green Business Centre, Wingfield View, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, S45 9JW

01773 741915