We are one of 43 sub-regional sport partnerships operating across England. As a County Sport Partnership (CSP) we are funded by Sport England, by agencies to deliver specific projects on their behalf, by local government and by private sponsorship.
County Sports Partnerships are an integral part of the Government's drive to develop a 'single sports delivery system' across England, and we are the key bridge between local and regional networks.
Through our work we aim to bring partners together to create healthy lifestyles through Sport and Physical Activity.
Our programmes include
Active Ants
Active Ants is a Primary School Digital Health Programme which is designed to support children to achieve 60 minutes of physical activity a day in line with the Chief Medical Officer guidelines.
We work with local clubs to identify services and opportunities which will help them to develop their community offer and grow and retain participation.
More Positive Together (MPT)
MPT brings together Social Housing Organisations from across Lancashire with a combined portfolio of over 61,220 properties located in the 20% most deprived Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in Lancashire. The programme will aim to reach out to those furthest from the labour market, initially providing intense 1 to 1 support, then progressing to a wider engagement offer of sports, environmental and arts activities. The partnerships will deliver a programme of opportunities to get involved in work experience, volunteering and training which will help them be more prepared for employment.
We believe that high quality coaches are essential for the development of sport at a local level. We help to support, develop, retain and recognise our coaches in Lancashire.
Satellite Clubs
Satellite Clubs are informal physical activity sessions designed around the motivations and needs of young people. We are seeking to work in partnership with non for profit organisations such as community groups, charities, community interest companies, grass roots sports clubs and housing associations who have reach to our target audience of 14-19 year olds. We hope by creating more access to young person centred sport and physical activity sessions, behaviour change will occur, resulting in young people becoming more regularly active.
Challenge Through Sport Initiative
The Challenge through Sport Initiative is an ambitious innovative partnership project to encourage more active and healthier lifestyles for adults in drug and alcohol recovery by getting involved in regular sport and physical activity.
Disability Sport
Everybody should have the opportunity to participate in sport, whatever his or her ability. We are dedicated to improving the access to sport and physical activity for all disabled people within the County. Facilitated through the Equality Standard, we are working with agencies to create an equitable sporting environment for all its members. We appreciate that sport is a tool that can unite communities, through the Equality Standard the aim is to help combat prejudice and discrimination that many disabled people experience.
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