Cell Workout Enterprise C.I.C.

The Cell Workout Workshops are an innovative, prison-based intervention designed to improve prisoners’ mental well-being as well as their physical fitness. The design and delivery of ten pilot workshops in HMP Wandsworth was managed by ex-prisoner, L. J. Flanders, who drew upon his own experiences to develop a unique two-week programme of intense physical workouts each morning, followed by stimulating and thought-provoking group discussions in the afternoon.

Based on the principles outlined in Flanders’ book, Cell Workout (Flanders, 2016), the workouts focused on bodyweight training exercises designed for safe and effective use in a prison cell. The afternoon sessions began with a focus on behavioural change and how to achieve it, and moved on to align with existing organisations and programmes within the prison including the Prisoners’ Education Trust’s ‘Fit for Release’ initiative, focusing on how sports-based learning can help prisoners engage in education, gain employment and desist from crime.

The demand for Cell Workout has gone beyond prison walls and after the success of the book and the workshops in HMP Wandsworth , we will be helping people get the body they want “Inside & Out” by expanding our work in the community.

Public engagement
Cell Workout has been involved in collaborative work with several organisations in the voluntary and public sector including the Prisoners' Education Trust, (and the Prisoner Learning Alliance), Inside Government, Clinks, Novus, the Employer Engagement Partnership Group, Switchback, Unlocked Graduates, and the Prince's Trust.

Our trainers who have left prison will be the perfect mentors for young people who are not in work or education and help reverse the path they are heading down. We will be working closely with Probation, CRCs and youth charities like The Princes Trust and Switchback. 

Cell Workout will be offering a range of packages to our corporate sponsors from fitness sessions, book offers and weekend retreats. 
We are working towards opening our Cell Workout Hub, which will act as fitness space, educational centre, office and studio space. We will soon be delivering accredited courses too.
