Glamorgan Cricket offers a range of low-cost activities for school parties and other groups of youngsters visiting their headquarters at Sophia Gardens. These operate all year round as well as on match-days during the summer months when visiting parties get a chance to form a Guard of Honour and play on the pitch. In addition to the behind-the-scenes Stadium Tours, these activities dovetail with specific curriculum themes, as well as encouraging the literacy and numeracy skills of pupils, plus enhancing their digital competency. Other packages give an introduction to the skills and drills involved in cricket, plus the benefits of healthy recreation and safe exercise, with the play element and interaction with the community coaches being our major USP.
For older groups following exam specifications, bespoke visits are also put together which focus on a particular theme such as marketing, diet and nutrition, or the business of sport. In addition, specially-themed visits are available looking at local history and the impact of landowners and other benefactors during the nineteenth century in providing land for healthy recreation and exercise. These themes are also introduced to pupils who visit from local primary schools when they participate in indoor tournaments held during the winter months in Glamorgan Cricket’s Indoor School.
Another inspiring and popular package relates to Transition Days when prospective Year 7 pupils from a range of primary schools meet and mingle at the Sophia Gardens ground and have a carousel of activities – sometimes offered through the medium of Welsh – which involve different aspects of the Stadium Tour, plus games of softball cricket. This package has also been adapted to include Year Group Integration Days whilst for groups in Years 8 or 9, the visit provides an insight into the world of work ahead of making GCSE choices. Visiting groups also get an opportunity to visit the CC4 Museum of Welsh Cricket which in November 2018 became the first fully-accredited Cricket Museum in the UK.
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