Guiseley Community Foundation

Guiseley Community Foundation is a registered charity that aims to utilise the Power of Sport for the benefit of the local community. It aims to work with Partners and the local Community to deliver a range of initiatives in line with its stated objectives:

- Maximize the utilization of resources for the benefit of the local community.

- Work in partnership with a range of agencies in order to identify & provide activities that promote social inclusion and cohesion

- Provide activities for residents of all ages in Aireborough & surrounding areas to promote healthy lifestyles, equip them with social skills, provide work related experiences & to reduce & prevent anti social behaviour

- Utilise football & other sports, encourage volunteering & participation

- Provide access to training courses in order to gain recognised qualifications

- Develop projects that support other disadvantaged groups (Elderly, Disabled, NEET)

It is heavily involved in working with young people to reduce their risk of offending and providing sporting and educational opportunities across a range of institutions including Pupil Referral Units, Secure Children's Homes, Youth Offender Institutions and Adult Prisons. 

Nethermoor Park, Otley Road, Guiseley, Leeds, LS20 8BT

07939 221231