Supporting young people across the Bradford district

JAMES is a charity that has been working across the Bradford district for over 35 years. JAMES delivers various projects and services with young people and families which include sport. Sport is used as an engagement tool with our young people as well as addressing health, fitness and inactivity locally.  We have delivered Doorstep sports sessions through our West Yorkshire Positive Futures project for around 10 years and still deliver weekly sports sessions in areas of Keighley. We also deliver sports sessions through our holiday hunger sessions, providing food and healthy activities to families in the school holidays, as well as encourage sport and activities through key working with individual young people and families. In Keighley we also support vulnerable and at-risk girls and use sport and activities to improve mental health and wellbeing as well as raising confidence and aspirations.   

The Eric Gibbs Centre, Frizinghall Road, Frizinghall, Bradford, BD9 4JB

01274 483075
