We are the London Cruisers, a lesbian, bi and non binary basketball club with a 20-year history based in east London. Our objective is to create and activate a community around basketball. We currently have 25 active members from 20 different countries representing the diversity of London.
We take part in both domestic and international tournaments every year. In 2019, we have played tournaments in Dusseldorf, Paris and London with the fourth and final tournament scheduled in Barcelona in September. We were enrolled in 3 London leagues in 2019: We Love basketball, the Tower Hamlets Trojans women's basketball league and the Metropolitan league.
We train twice a week with our coach, with one training focusing on preparing for the games with the 15 players enrolled in the Metropolitan league.
Although our passion for basketball brings us together, we also organise social events that keep us connected beyond the sport, such as taking part altogether in the London Pride parade.
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