MS Society
Move more with MS

We know MS symptoms can make it hard to be active. But exercise will help you stay as healthy as possible. It can improve your mood and some MS symptoms. 

What are the benefits of being active?

No matter what kind of MS you have, a healthier lifestyle can:
- help you enjoy better balance
- help you stay as mobile and active as possible
- give you more energy
- lower your risk of heart disease
- help with some of your MS symptoms
- keep your body working at its best
- improve your mood
- help you manage your weight
- stop your muscles wasting away and losing strength when you’ve not been using them.

Live in England?

If you live in England, you can also talk to our Physical Activity Specialist over the phone (funded by Sport England). This person can use different approaches to help you. These include:
- working with you to make an individual action plan. This will help you make the changes you want to see
- offering one-to-one telephone support. This would include support with setting up a physical activity plan, one-to-one follow-ups and keeping track of your progress. 
- providing information, and telling you where people with MS can go for help to stay active
- helping you find things to do in your local area that are easy for you to get to and use or things you can do at home.

What to do next

Contact the MS Helpline on 0808 800 8000 or by email at [email protected]k. Ask about moving more with MS. If you live in England, you can sign up to speak to our Physical Activity Specialist at
The MS Helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm, except bank holidays.

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0808 800 8000