Ospreys in the Community (OitC) is a charitable foundation that works in close partnership with Ospreys Rugby. Whilst sharing a strong relationship and forming a key part of the Ospreys strategy, OitC operates on an independent basis to the professional rugby organisation.
Working in conjunction with commercial partners, public sector bodies and third sector agencies, our aim is to create a vibrant and sustainable foundation which utilises sport and the power of the Ospreys brand, and players, in a positive fashion to make an impact in communities.
Our principal aim is to empower people to make positive life choices. Ospreys in the Community plays an important part in improving over 40,000 people’s lives every year irrespective of age, ability or gender by working independently and in partnership with other organisations to create a wide range of innovative programmes that are contained within our four strategic themes: education, health, sport and inclusion.
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