Ride On
Cycling for All

Ride-On Cycling for All’s vision is for a cleaner, healthier more active Exeter.

We believe that we can help to achieve this by supporting more people to start cycling more regularly. Cycling has many significant, measurable benefits, improving the mental and physical health of the rider. It also reduces their carbon footprint and lowering pollution levels and benefiting the local community too.

Our ambition is to be the go-to hub for cycling in Exeter. We want to help people to start riding on a safe and reliable bike with the skills, knowledge and confidence to keep on cycling. This includes providing quality refurbished bikes, maintenance training and the facilities for cyclists to service their own bikes. We offer cycling information, advice and opportunities to access cycling such as guided rides. We also take an active part in many local and national cycling initiatives.

61 Haven Road, Exeter, EX2 8DP

07544 314749
