Scottish Women in Sport is an independent charity, registered in Scotland (SCO44496) with an
ambition and vision to achieve an inclusive Scotland where there is gender equality in all areas of
sport. Launched in 2013 with the support of Judy Murray OBE and Dame Katherine Grainger our
mission is to educate the Scottish public, media and commercial investors on the strength of the role
of sport in driving gender equality while improving the health and well-being of our girls and women.
To date we have made a positive impact on the media profile of all women in sport and believe that
through raising awareness and increasing the profile we will make it easier and more acceptable for
young women and girls to participate in sport.
Funded mainly through our annual events, we have delivered several campaigns including Women
Active at Work and Girls Do Sport. GDS provided an opportunity for 9 sports to work with The
University of the West of Scotland to create individual videos showcasing their own particular sport.
Our new strategy (2019) will focus on three strands, our Annual Conference, Awards Dinner and
Inclusion report. This report will identify the current status and diversity of women in leadership in
sport in Scotland and the findings will form the basis for our continued equality work.
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