Sport Across Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent
Working together to create active places and healthy lives through physical activity and sport

Sport Across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent (SASSOT) is a partnership of agencies working together to create active places and healthy lives through physical activity and sport.

We are part of an England-wide network of 43 CSPs. Through our nationwide coverage and our local knowledge CSPs are uniquely positioned to support the development of physical activity and sport. SASSOT is funded by national and local partners, including Sport England, our Local Authorities and Universities.

Partnership is led by an executive board of voluntary representatives and has a core team of full and part-time professionals all of whom are passionate about the work it carries out.

Aligning closely with Sport England’s ‘Towards an Active Nation’ strategy, we will deliver our primary role, as set out by Sport England, and focus more intently on local people with the greatest need. We will enhance existing partnerships and projects, whilst growing new relationships to engage diverse groups that are hardest to reach, but can benefit the most.

SASSOT 2018-2021 Strategy

On the 24th April 2018 we launched our new SASSOT 2018-2021 Strategy. This strategy outlines SASSOT’s priorities for the next three years. Please find the strategy here.

Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ

01785 619349